Kiva Loan #44

As you may know, we are actively involved with Kiva, a microloan nonprofit that is fighting global poverty by assisting connecting lenders with borrowers who own small businesses in poor areas. Our 44th Kiva microloan to a small business owner in a developing nation takes us to Indonesia, where Beatrix manages a vegetable stand at a local food market. Beatrix is a married working mom with five kids and her income helps support her children’s high school and college expenses. With her loan, which was funded by us and 20 other Kiva lenders from around the world, she will be buying corn and rice in bulk to add to improve her business.

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The Day We Were Reminded that Spring Isn’t Here Yet

While we (OK, Brigette mostly) have been walking around inspecting every inch of the garden for signs of Spring to break through and looking at all the trees for signs of Spring to bud, and looking at all the birds to see if any Spring ones have arrived, we were reminded today that no, Spring isn’t quite here yet!

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2013 Stargazing Opportunities and Celestial Events

The night sky near Morganton, NC [Credit & Copyright: David Cortner]

Being situated inside a National Forest has its perks, one of which being there are very few man-made lights outside. Instead, the sky is lit by thousands of stars on a dark, clear night, making the Inn on Mill Creek a great place for stargazing.

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North Carolina Mountain Birds: Carolina Chickadee

Chickadee outside the solarium at the Inn on Mill Creek

January is a fairly unpredictable month in the mountains of Western North Carolina. One day, we’ll see bright sunshine and temperatures in the 40s or 50s, then blustery temps the following day with snow. So we’re countering the month’s unpredictable nature with a very predictable bird for our latest installment of 12 Months of Birding at the Inn: the Carolina Chickadee.

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Our first Kiva loan of 2013

Since 2007, we have been a part of Kiva, a non-profit that matches microloan lenders with borrowers who are small business entrepreneurs. The vast majority of Kiva borrowers are from developing countries and the success of their businesses positively affects their local economies and helps to lift them and their families out of poverty. Lenders can lend as little as $25, and as the loan is paid, the lender receives his or her money back and can either take it out or relend it to another borrower.

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Discounted Biltmore Tickets Winter 2013

Happy New Year! We hope you’re off to a great start in 2013. Have you made any resolutions? Perhaps you’ve resolved not to make resolutions! But if you have made some, may we suggest adding the resolution to relax more and stress less. We have lots of ways you can accomplish that by coming to the mountains of Western North Carolina, and we’ll be sharing those with you this year.

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