Monthly Archives: November 2013
Black Mountain 2013 Christmas Season Events
2013 National Gingerbread House Competition Display in Asheville
Restaurants Open for Thanksgiving in Asheville and Black Mountain

Carmel’s, one of several local restaurants open for Thanksgiving 2013 [Photo Credit: Carmel’s of Asheville] |
Coming to the Asheville/Black Mountain area for Thanksgiving this year? If you want a great meal without having to cook, leave the hard part to fantastic chefs and support a local business in the process: Check out this list of restaurants that are confirmed open on Thanksgiving, November 28, 2013, and let us know if we can help with making a reservation. We’ll update if we receive word that more Thanksgiving dining options are available and will add to the list.
Fall 2013 BLUE to BLACK Art Weekend is Nov. 15-17

Mathilda Tanner, one of several local artists featured during BLUE to BLACK Art Weekend [Photo Credit: BLUE to BLACK Art Weekend] |
We’re really excited to share that one of our favorite Black Mountain art events is just around the corner: the Fall 2013 BLUE to BLACK Art Weekend (formerly known as the East of Asheville Studio to Tour – E.A.S.T.) is November 15-17. It’s an art stroll and studio tour, celebrating our local artists from east of the Blue Ridge Parkway to Black Mountain, hence Blue to Black. We are a proud sponsor of this event.
NC Mountains Fall Color Report November 5, 2013

Welcome to our seventh and final weekly Fall Color Report for the North Carolina Mountains around Asheville, Black Mountain, and Old Fort. It makes us a little bit sad to know that this is our last report on fall foliage for the year, but we still have some color on the trees and before we know it, spring will be here. Guess we do have to get through winter first. But until then…