New Glass for the Dining Solarium

Our dining solarium getting a facelift

One of the many great things about running a B&B is the diversity
and awesomeness of the people we meet and have as our guests at the Inn on Mill Creek. One of our guests this past summer was
having breakfast with his wife in the Inn’s dining solarium, which at the time was starting to show its
age in some regards, particularly the curved plexiglass panels. Over the past few years, we have been looking at options and pricing for replacing the panels…no easy task.

Our guest asked if we had ever thought about replacing
some of the glass, and that this was his line of business. Long story short, Calvin, along with his assistant, Josh, completed a
professional refresh of our solarium this month, replacing the glass panes that had lost
their interior seals.

Calvin, our guest and friend, and glass man extraordinaire
Csaba the Innpug supervises in between afternoon naps
Calvin and Josh

They also replaced all of the plexiglass panels with Lexan, a far superior

The Lexan goes up, hooray!
Innkeeper Dave of course assisted at least a little with the project, helping cut the Lexan panels
and fabricate a few large replacement shims. Of note was Calvin’s admiration of Dave’s “old” table saw; built like a tank… “they don’t make them like
this anymore.”
Next up for the solarium is a new vent fan and a new layer of fabric panels for the ceiling, something with a
little color, but still sheer enough to
allow diffused light through.

Finished with the glass…beautiful

Check out more photos from the dining solarium project on our B&B Facebook Page.

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